What if my class has two teachers?
In December 2022, one of our existing customers asked how they could use Classroom 360° for classes that were taught by two different teachers. We'd never been asked before — and we didn't have an immediate answer.
So we put our thinking caps on and came up with a few possible options.
Option 1: Split the class into two groups
This was the obvious, easy, and ultimately bad answer.
You'd simply (and arbitrarily) split the class into two groups — maybe the first and last parts of the alphabet.
One group's feedback would be used to generate Teacher A's report, and the other group's feedback would be used to generate Teacher B's report.
But who's to say that the data would be at all accurate? ALL the pupils are taught by both teachers.
Classroom 360°s aren't worded to ask specific questions about class teachers — the focus is on the lessons, the learning, the pace, the outcomes — so why shouldn't both teachers get to hear from ALL the pupils?
Option 2: Ask the pupils to answer twice
Another easy, but poor option.
Both teachers would setup their own Classroom 360° and answer the questions.
Then they would BOTH ask the pupils to give feedback.
This is far from ideal — the only way this would work is if the children could either remember their answers and repeat them in the second Classroom 360° — or, they'd have to do both at the same time.
This is a rubbish option and so we scrapped it entirely.
Option 3: Share the pupil's feedback across two Classroom 360°s
This is the best option — and the one we chose.
The first two options would have worked. Both teachers would have received their reports. But the outcome and the experience of doing the Classroom 360° would have sucked.
So now, teachers can elect to share their student feedback with a colleague.
The first teacher answers the questionnaire for themselves and invites all the students. Then they invite the second teacher who completes the questionnaire for themself.
Once the student feedback is completed, and the first teacher has closed the feedback session, both teachers can generate their report.
So the students are happy — because they only have to complete one questionnaire.
And the teachers are happy — because they get a report that gives them access to the feedback from ALL the students they teach.
The Job Sharing feature is available for everyone today
We're really pleased with the Job Share feature.
It's available to everyone who uses Classroom 360°. Both teachers need their own single Classroom 360° licence — either bought individually, or via a Classroom 360° Unlimited licence — and now we know the answer to "How does Classroom 360° work for classes that are taught by two teachers?".
"Use the Job Sharing feature".
It's a more common situation than we expected, and this new feature makes Classroom 360° even more useful to the people who matter — you.
Have you used the Job Sharing feature?
We'd love to hear what you think — write to us [email protected]
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